SAAP Membership
On this page you can find links to: pay your dues, enter or update your current profile information (address, affiliation, interests, etc.) and donate to special projects.
Begin or Renew Membership Online
SAAP Membership can be purchased or renewed online at:The Pluralist (U. of Illinois Press):
You can find renewal information there or--if you wish--you can go more directly to these sub-pages:
- Renewing a Membership? Click here:
- New Membership? Click here:
You can download a print version of the membership form here.
Membership Directory
There is a directory, here.
Membership Contact
Contact or, to order by phone toll-free, call (866) 244-0626.
For *general* membership questions (presenting at conference requirements, etc.), contact Bill Myers, Treasurer, SAAP at Bill Myers
Donate to the Mike Eldridge Memorial Fund
The Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (SAAP) is incorporated as a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Contributions to SAAP are tax-deductible.