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To make a donation for the Inter-American Philosophy Award, click this donation button. The donation will be received and directed to support the Inter-American Philosophy Award for the best submitted paper concerning Latin American, Latino/a, or indigenous philosophies across the Americas. The Award includes a cash prize, and the winning paper will be published in *The Inter-American Journal of Philosophy*.

Donate to SAAP

Online Donations using PayPal

The Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (SAAP) is incorporated as a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Contributions to SAAP are tax-deductible.

To make an online donation to SAAP's Inter-American Philosophy Award, please follow these instructions:

  1. Learn how to protect yourself from fraudulent emails:
    Please protect yourself by paying close attention to the emails you receive and the web sites you visit. (Learn about PayPal's security tips.)
  2. Click on the "Make a Donation" button to fill out a secure online donation form. (Learn how PayPal safeguards your privacy and more.)
  3. After your donation has been completed, a receipt for your donation will be emailed to you.

Donation by Mail

To send a donation by mail to the Society's special projects fund, please follow these instructions:

  1. Print this SAAP donation form (.doc)
  2. Fill out the donation form
  3. Make out your check to: SAAP
  4. Mail your completed SAAP donation form and check to:

    William T. Myers
    Birmingham-Southern College
    Box 549013
    Birmingham, AL 35254

The Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy appreciates your contribution.