SAAP Events
Welcome to the SAAP events page. Listed below are SAAP-sponsored, SAAP-affiliated, or American philosophy-related events. Please check out the following links for additional information.
- Annual Meeting
- Summer Institute
- SAAP meetings at other conferences; Related other conferences
- Forums, Reading Groups, and Special Seminars
- Calendar of Events (currently via C.S. Peirce Society; To list your event, send information to Robert Lane
Grants and Co-Sponsorship Opportunities
SAAP Grant Program
The Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy Grant Program
Consistent with its mission and contingent upon available funding, the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (SAAP) announces a grant giving program whose general purpose is to fund the expansion of SAAP into broader areas while yet maintaining the community values that have long characterized the society. This program seeks to reward creativity, especially those who can work towards bringing together people from different perspectives. We are striving for genuine pluralism, one that goes beyond lip service. We are, in a manner of speaking, looking to maintain our one while welcoming the many.
More specifically, we are inviting proposals of three sorts:
- Projects that will internationalize the society. This may includes grants for research, for travel, or for any type of project that either carries American philosophy to international perspectives, or brings international perspectives to American philosophy.
- Projects that will cross boundaries and that in general will lessen the natural insularity that is common to groups such as ours. These grants are intended to promote pluralism ?on the home front.?
- Projects that support graduate student research in American philosophy. Graduate students are welcome to apply for funds, for example, to present papers on American philosophy at other conferences.
Depending upon the scope of the proposed project, these grants could serve as a good source for seed money to seek further funding.
Grant seekers need not be members of SAAP, though the grant itself must be one that is in accordance with our general mission of advancing American philosophy. Though it would certainly be preferred, it is not required that the grant recipient participate in our annual meeting. We do require, however, that upon the completion of the grant project, a report will be submitted to the SAAP Board of Directors.
All proposals for funding must include:
- A detailed description of the event or program with specific emphasis on its ability to not only advance American philosophy, but to do so in a manner consistent with the stated goals of this program. This should include description of how the event or program will have significance and impact that lasts beyond the event or program itself.
- A complete budget, including all projected expenses and all projected revenues and their sources.
- An explanation of how the results of the project will be reported to SAAP?s Board of Directors. This may be a simple written report, a finished product, or a session at the annual meeting.
Preference will be given to grant seekers who have either already been granted other funds, or will be seeking other funds (i.e., using the SAAP grant as seed money.) SAAP does not expect to be the sole source of funding. Application deadlines are January 15 and October 15.
Grants will typically range from $500 to $2500, though those amounts could vary depending upon the nature of the proposal. Proposals will be blind reviewed by a committee appointed by the President of SAAP in consultation with the Society?s Board of Directors. The Society?s Treasurer will serve as an ex officio member of that committee.
These grants are made possible through the proceeds of the Herbert W. Schneider and the Peter H. Hare Endowment Funds.
Proposals should be submitted via email to Bill Myers, Treasurer, SAAP at
How To Make A Request For SAAP Co-Sponsorship Of Other Events In American Philosophy
Consistent with its mission and contingent upon its available
resources, SAAP seeks to co-sponsor programs and events that advance
American philosophy. Toward that end, SAAP accepts proposals from
its members in good standing. Proposals should be directed via
e-mail to Bill Myers, Treasurer, SAAP, at and will be
evaluated in a timely manner by SAAP?s Executive Committee.
All proposals must include:
- A detailed description of the event or program with specific emphasis on its ability to advance American philosophy. This should include description of how the event or program will have significance and impact that lasts beyond the event or program itself.
- A complete budget, including all projected expenses and all projected revenues and their sources.
- An explanation of how the members of SAAP can and will be involved in the planning of the event or program, and how members of SAAP can participate in the event or program itself.
Please note: The amount of award is dependent upon the availability of funds. Past awards have ranged from $250 to $2000. Persons considering submitting proposals are encouraged to consult with Tom Alexander, SAAP President,, as early as possible in the planning stage of the event or program.
Past Awards:
$2000 for the 2007 Royce/James Conference at Harvard
$500 for graduate student presenters at the Royce/James Conference
$300 for this fall?s William James Graduate student Conference at
in honor of John E. Smith
$500 for the 2007 Summer Institute in American Philosophy