News & Announcements
SAAP Newsbriefs--click here
Letter from President James Campbell regarding changes in SAAP Journal and dues structure.
Here is President Campbell's letter about new dues structure and The Pluralist, SAAP's new official journal. (posted November 24, 2009)
International Conference--Between Politics and Aesthetics: Richard Shusterman's Pragmatism
Co-organized by University of Lower Silesia, and University of Wroclaw
8th of March 2008, Wroclaw, Poland
For program, click here
Peter Hare Memorial Celebration
A Memorial Celebration for Peter Hare, recently deceased professor emeritus
of philosophy at the University at Buffalo, will be held at 2pm on March 29,
2008 at the Center for Inquiry in Amherst, New York. More details about
Peter and this celebration, including a tentative schedule, directions to
the Center for Inquiry, and local accommodations, are at The organizers invite Peter's friends
to speak at this celebration. We especially encourage attention drawn to the
diversity of Peter's intellectual and aesthetic pursuits. We are also
seeking photography relating to Peter: photos taken while traveling with
him, or photos of things that he enjoyed, or of Peter himself. Please RSVP
your interest in attending and/or speaking to John Shook at
Pragmatism in Science, Religion, and Politics
Helsinki, House of Sciences and Letters
June 2-4, 2008
The conference is arranged by the Nordic Pragmatism Network, initiated in
2006 to enable cooperation and exchange of ideas among Nordic philosophers
working on issues related to pragmatism, and the Philosophical Society of
The theme of the conference is the general question concerning both the
critical and constructive influence of pragmatism in science, religion, and
Speakers include:
Douglas R. Anderson (Southern Illinois University at Carbondale), Tom Burke
(University of South Carolina), James Campbell (The University of Toledo),
Antti Gronow (University of Helsinki), Leila Haaparanta (University of
Tampere) and Heikki J. Koskinen (University of Helsinki), Eberhard Herrmann
(University of Uppsala), Larry A. Hickman (Southern Illinois University),
Erkki Kilpinen (University of Helsinki), Osmo Kivinen (University of Turku),
Alexander Kremer (University of Szeged, Hungary), Torjus Midtgarden
(University of Oslo), Ilkka Niiniluoto (University of Helsinki), J—n
îlafsson (Bifršst University, Iceland), Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen (University
of Helsinki), Sami Pihlstršm (University of JyvŠskylŠ), Henrik Rydenfelt
(University of Helsinki), John Ryder (The State University of New York) and
Lyubov Bugaeva (St. Petersburg State University, Russia), John Shook (Center
for Inquiry Transnational) Ari Sutinen (University of Oulu), Emil Visnovsky
(Slovak Academy of Sciences), Jennifer Welchman (University of Alberta), and
Ulf Zackariasson (University of Oslo).
For more details, visit the conference website:
Organizing committee
J—n îlafsson
Sami Pihlstršm
Henrik Rydenfelt
Northwest American Philosophy Reading Group
October 20, 2007
10-5, with lunch and dinner
Yachats, Oregon
The Northwest American Philosophy Reading Group would like to announce its next meeting. We will be discussing Emerson and our discussion will be led by John Lysaker (U of O) and Jim Albrecht (PLU). If you would like to stay in the area you can contact Scott Pratt at for information on places to stay. For other questions contact Erin McKenna at If you know you plan to join us, please let Erin or Scott know so they can plan the food.
We will be discussing:
Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Experience" and "Nominalist and Realist," both from Essays, Second Series_ and readily available in many different collections of his essays. (Several on-line versions are also available through
Critical pieces on "Experience"
1. Stanley Cavell, "Finding as Founding: Taking Steps in Emerson's 'Experience.'" In _This New Yet Unapproachable America_ (Albuqueruque: Living Batch Press, 1989), pp. 77-118; also reprinted in _Emerson's Transcendental Etudes_ (Stanford UP, 2003).
2. Richard Poirier, "Superfluous Emerson," in _Poetry and Pragmatism_ (Harvard UP, 1992), pp. 37-35, and "An Approach to Unapproachable America," in _Raritan_ 26:4, Spring 2007, pp. 1-13.
At its 2004 meeting, the Eastern Division Executive Committee accepted a generous offer from the John Dewey Foundation to fund a John Dewey Lecture at each annual meeting. Around the same time the other two Divisions received, and accepted, similar offers. The Dewey Lecture is to be given by a prominent and senior (typically retired) American philosopher who is invited to reflect, broadly and in an autobiographical spirit, on philosophy in America. The Dewey Lecturer for each Division is expected to have a clear tie to that Division. Past Presidents of the Division are obvious candidates, but not necessarily the only candidates. In the Eastern Division the 2006 Dewey Lecturer was Richard Bernstein; the 2007 Dewey Lecturer will be Hilary Putnam and the 2008 Dewey Lecturer will be J.B. Schneewind. In addition, Nicholas Wolterstorff and Keith Lehrer have given the Dewey Lecture in the Central and Pacific Divisions respectively. Nominations are now invited for future Eastern Division Dewey Lecturers. At its annual meeting on December 27, 2007, the Eastern Division Executive Committee will establish a short list of candidates for Dewey Lecturer in 2009, and will take into account nominations received from members. Please send all nominations by November 15 to Richard Bett, APA Eastern Division Secretary-Treasurer, Department of Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218-2686, or by email to
September 20-22, 2007
A conference at the Center for Inquiry Transnational 1310 Sweet Home Rd. in
Buffalo, NY
The Center for Inquiry [] is a research institute
and public education organization that defends secular humanism and the
naturalistic worldview. For more about the Center's Naturalism Research
Project and other upcoming events see
This major conference will address many crucial topics about philosophical
naturalism, including:
. Science's claims to know reality
. How mind and experience fit into nature
. Implications of naturalism for ethics and law
. Conflicts between religion and naturalism
. The varieties of American naturalism and pragmatism
Scheduled speakers:
John Peter Anton (South Florida), Akeel Bilgrami (Columbia University),
Arthur Caplan (University of Pennsylvania), Randall Dipert (University at
Buffalo), Paul Draper (Purdue University), Owen Flanagan (Duke University),
Ronald Giere (University of Minnesota), James Gouinlock (Emory University),
Adolf Grunbaum (University of Pittsburgh), Terry Horgan (University of
Arizona), Hilary Kornblith (University of Massachusetts), Paul Kurtz (Center
for Inquiry), John Lachs (Vanderbilt University), Brian Leiter (University
of Texas), Isaac Levi (Columbia University), Joseph Margolis (Temple
University), Lynn Hankinson Nelson (University of Washington), Laura Purdy
(Wells College), Nicholas Rescher (University of Pittsburgh), David
Rosenthal (City University of New York), John Ryder (State University of New
York), Charlene Seigfried (Purdue University), Harvey Siegel (University of
Miami), John E. Smith (Yale University), Ernest Sosa (Rutgers University),
Victor J. Stenger (University of Hawaii), Michael Tye (University of Texas).
Registration Information:
Advance registration is $89, and $49 for students. Catered lunches will be
available on the 21st and 22nd for $20 each. The dinner banquet on the 22nd
is $35. To see the conference schedule and register, visit the CONFERENCE
For more details contact John Shook, Vice President of Research and Senior
Research Fellow,
New York Pragmatist Forum
Upcoming meeting:
Friday, March 30, 2007
4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Fordham University at Lincoln Center
Lowenstein Building 708
Columbus (9th) Avenue at 60th Street
New York, New York, USA
Contemporary Feminist Pragmatism
“Prophetic Vision and Trash Talkin’: Pragmatism, Feminism, and Racial Privilege”
Shannon W. Sullivan, Pennsylvania State University
“Mary Whiton Calkins, Jane Addams & Katrina: A Pragmatist/Feminist Meditation on Charity”
Marjorie Miller, State University of New York, Purchase
CONTACT: Judith Green <>
Hugh McDonald <HMcDonald@CityTech.Cuny.Edu>
Refreshments Will Be Served
Northwest American Philosophy Reading Group
Upcoming meeting:
"Competing Interpretations of Dewey"
October 28, 2006
10-5, with lunch and dinner
Yachats, Oregon
The Northwest American Philosophy Reading Group would like to announce its next meeting. If you would like to stay in the area you can contact Scott Pratt at for information on places to stay. For other questions contact Erin McKenna at If you know you plan to join us, please let Erin or Scott know so they can plan the food. Full details here (.doc)
Philosophy Born of Struggle Conference
OCTOBER 27-28,
66 West 12th Street
Amphitheatre: Room 404-407
For additional Information:
J. Everet Green:
Leonard Harris:
SAAP Session at the American Catholic Philosophical Association--Oct. 27-29, 2006
-- Stanley Harrison (Marquette University), "Peircean Catholicism"
-- Kenneth Stikkers (Southern Illinois University), "Jamesian Catholicism"
-- Judith Green (Fordham University), "Deweyan Catholicism"
-- Brian G. Henning (Mount St. Mary's University), "Pragmatist Environmental Catholicism"
The ACPA meeting will be held at Denison University, October 27-29, 2006, in Granville, OH. More information on the conference can be found at Contact Judith Green ( or Brian Henning ( for more details.
New Journal: William James Studies (WJS) available online at
WJS is a new interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing high quality, scholarly articles related to the life, work and influence of William James. No subscription is required. Access to the journal is open so as to ensure that all who have an interest in William James have access to its contents. WJS is published by University of Illinois Press and sponsored by the William James Society.
UPDATE: A new version of the William James website is now online at