
New books for review for SAAP Nov. Issue

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Calls for Reviewers


May 2009 Books to be reviewed/ reviewers and deadline

These reviews will appear in the November 2009 issue #108
Author Deadline:  15 October 2009

NOTE:  Responding to concerns about perceived nepotism of reviewers (colleague/colleague or thesis director/ student or former mentor/student) the Executive Committee decided that, while an absolute prohibition against say, a former student reviewing the book of his/her dissertation advisor or mentor, might not be wise, in general such nepotism should be avoided. However since we are not aware of all these possible relationships and since we may not know where many of you potential reviewers gained your Ph.Ds or are now teaching, will you please refrain from requesting a book for review when it appears that the sorts of nepotism noted above might be an issue?

If you are interested in reviewing any of these books please email both Patrick Dooley, NEWSLETTER Editor and Roger Ward, NEWSLETTER Associate Editor, Book reviews range from 750 to 1000 words; review essays from 2000-3000 words.
When requesting a book for review please inform us of any particulars that might be relevant to the above nepotism disclaimer. 

When submitting your completed review/review essay sending an email attachment works best.

Please use the following format at the head of your review:

Pragmatism. William James. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1907. 256 pages, $1.75

At the end of your review please give your name and institutional affiliation:

John Dewey, University of Chicago

These titles are available for review:

Josiah Royce in Focus, Jacquelyn Kegley, Indiana

Susan Langer In Focus, Robert Innis, Indiana

Religious Naturalism Today, Jerome Stone, SUNY Press

Jesus and Philosophy: New Essays, ed Paul Moser, Cambridge

John Dewey between Pragmatism and Constructivism, ed Hickman, Neubert and Reich, Fordham

William James, A Pluralistic Universe, edited and introduction by H. G. Callaway, Cambridge

R. W. Emerson, Society and Solitude, edited and introduction by H. G. Callaway, Cambridge

R. W. Emerson, The Conduct of Life, edited and introduction by H. G. Callaway, Cambridge

The World in Which We Occur: John Dewey, Pragmatist Ecology and American Ecological Writing in the Twentieth Century, Neal Browne, Univ Alabama Press

The Essential Santayana, ed. by the Santayana Edition, introduction by Martin Coleman, Indiana

Reconstructing Democracy: Recontextualizing Dewey, ed. Jim Garrison, SUNY Press

Pragmata: Feschrift für Klaus Oehler, eds. Kai-Micheal Hingst and Maria Listsi

Companion to Pragmatism,John Shook, Wiley Blackwell

Between Saying and Doing: Towards an Analytic Pragmatism, Robert Brandom, Oxford

Pragmatism and Reference, David Boersma, MIT Press

Pragmatism and Social Hope, Judith Green, Columbia Univ. Press

The Reception of Pragmatism in France, David Schultenover, Catholic University Press of America

The Meaning of the Body: Aesthetics of Human Understanding, Mark Johnson, Univ Chicago Press

March 2008 Books to be reviewed/ reviewers and deadline

W. Creighton Peden, A Good Life in a World Made Good, Albert Eustace Haydon 1880-1975 (2006)

John R. Shook and Paulo Ghiraldelli, Jr., [Symposium on Nicholas Rescher] Contemporary Pragmatism, Vol. 2, No.2 (2005)

John R. Shook and Paulo Ghiraldelli, Jr., [Symposium on Richard Rorty] Contemporary Pragmatism, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2005)

John R. Shook and Paulo Ghiraldelli, Jr., [Symposium on Hilary Putnam] Contemporary Pragmatism, Vol. 2, No.2 (2006)

John R. Shook and Paulo Ghiraldelli, Jr, Contemporary Pragmatism, Vol. 3, No.1 (June 2006)

Pragmatism, Education, and Children Michael Taylor, Helmut Shreier, Paulo Ghiraldelli, Jr. (Rodopi, 2008)

Douglas McDermid, The Varieties of Pragmatism: Truth, Realism, and Knowledge from James to Rorty (Continuum, 2007)

Michael Sullivan, Legal Pragmatism: Community, Rights, and Democracy (Indiana, 2007)

Erik J. Olsson, Knowledge and Inquiry: Essays on the Pragmatism of Isaac Levie (Cambridge, 2006)

Larry Hickman, Pragmatism as Post-Modernism: Lessons from John Dewey (Fordham, 2007)

Edward J. Grippe Richard Rorty’s New Pragmatism: Neither Liberal nor Free (Continuum, 2007)

John J. Mcdermott The Drama of Possibility: Experience as Philosophy of Culture (Fordham, 2007)

NOTE: If you are interested in reviewing one of these books please email

Please note the anti-nepotism stance of the Society's Executive Committee:
Responding to concerns about perceived nepotism of reviewers (colleague/colleague or thesis director/ student or former mentor/student) the Executive Committee decided that, while an absolute prohibition against say, a former student reviewing the book of his/her dissertation advisor or mentor, might not be wise, in general such nepotism should be avoided. However since we SAAP NEWSLETTER editors are not aware of all these possible relationships and since we don't know where many of you potential reviewers gained your Ph Ds or are now teaching, will you please refrain from requesting a book for review when it appears that the sorts of nepotism noted above might be an issue'
Finally, in light of the above mentioned concern about nepotism potential reviewers when you request a book for review also please indicate: 1) your dissertation advisor, 2) where you earned your PHD and 3) where you are now teaching'
On or about 16 April NEWSLETTER editors will notify the reviewer they have agreed upon for each book. Reviewers are responsible for submitting (by email attachment) a 800 to 1200 word review by 1 Novembe.
Approximately 20 more books have been requested from publishers; accordingly in about a month another list of books available for review will be posted on the SAAP WEB page.
Thank you for you interest and assistance,
Patrick Dooley and Roger Ward.