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46th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy -- March 14-16, 2019 (Columbus, OH)

Full Program

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Thursday, 14 March 2019
Concurrent Session I
Meeting Room 20Hayes DMeeting Room 21Meeting Room 22
Session Chair: Bethany Henning, Xavier UniversityThe Problem of Spatial Stratification For Addams'S Philosophy of Perplexity: Lessons From The Charity VisitorJennifer Fenton, Marquette UniversityDiscussant: Bethany Henning, Xavier UniversityCorrecting Perry’s Misleading Narrative: Historicizing James’s “shady Excursions” Into PhrenologyErmine Algaier, Monmouth CollegeDiscussant: Bethany Henning, Xavier University Session Chair: Nick Bochenek, Ohio UniversityA Pragmatic Methodology For The (queer) SelfElaine Blum, University of West GeorgiaDiscussant: Nick Bochenek, Ohio UniversityA Deweyan Analysis of Gloria Anzaldua'S Mestiza ConsciousnessEmily Humbert, Southern Illinois Univeristy-CarbondaleDiscussant: Nick Bochenek, Ohio University Session Chair: Dwayne Tunstall, Grand Valley State UniversityLoyalty, Betrayal, and Atonement: A Philosophy of Moral InjuryAaron Shepherd, University of Massachusetts LowellDiscussant: Dwayne Tunstall, Grand Valley State UniversityBeneath The OrdinaryAlain Beauclair, MacEwan UniversityDiscussant: Dwayne Tunstall, Grand Valley State University


"Achieving our City: Love and Justice in St. Louis, Missouri"

Susan Dieleman, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

“Re-Evaluating Rorty’s Dewey: Experience, Norm, and Nature”

Brandon Beasley, University of Calgary


“Richard Rorty’s Aesthetic Theory”

John Giordano, Merrimack College and University of Southern Maine

Concurrent Session II
Meeting Room 20Meeting Room 21Hayes DMeeting Room 22
Session Chair: Bridget Newell, Otterbein UniversityVarieties of Cognitive Experience: James’ Acts of Inclusion In The PrinciplesDaniel Brunson, Morgan State UniversityDiscussant: Bridget Newell, Otterbein UniversityKnowing Disability Transactionally: A Pragmatist Response To Epistemic InjusticeSarah Woolwine, University of Central OklahomaDiscussant: Bridget Newell, Otterbein University Philosophy Beyond The Ivory TowerJames Lincoln, University of Kentucky; Michael Burroughs, California State University, Bakersfield; Nancy McHugh, Wittenberg University; Cliff Harbour, University of North Texas Session Chair: Judith Green, Fordham UniversityNature As Culture: Pragmatism In The AnthropocenePhillip McReynolds, UNC CharlotteDiscussant: Judith Green, Fordham UniversityJohn Dewey'S Qualitative OntologyPaul Benjamin Cherlin, Minneapolis Community and Technical College (MCTC)Discussant: Judith Green, Fordham University

"Alain Locke's Expressive Theory of Art: Embracing Both Racial Essentialism and Human Universalism in Artistic Expression"

Corey Barnes, University of San Diego


"Alain Locke on Assimilation and Racial Consciousness"

Jacoby Adeshei Carter, Howard University


"Applying Alain Locke's Philosophy of Culture: Empowering Communities, Technology, and Representation"

Reyes Espinoza, Purdue University

Plenary I
(Hayes C)

This panel of practitioners share their experiences advocating for people with disabilities.  While “removal of barriers” to housing, education, political participation, and employment is an important cause for people with disabilities, it is also vital to consider how their perspectives inform the way we construct communities and social values.  


Nancy Evangelista, Professor of Psychology and Provost, Muskingum University

Traci Tuttle, Executive Director of the PLUS Program and Disability Education Office and Assistant Professor of Education, Muskingum University

Sue Hetrick, Executive Director of Center for Disability Empowerment


(Latitude 41)
Friday, 15 March 2019
Concurrent Session III
Hayes DMeeting Room 20Meeting Room 22Meeting Room 21
Session Chair: Roger Ward, Georgetown CollegePhilosophy and The Mirror of Nationalism: Richard Rorty, The New Left, and The War On TerrorPatrick Anderson, Grand Valley State UniversityDiscussant: Roger Ward, Georgetown CollegeDewey'S Theory of WarLu-Vada Dunford, University of TorontoDiscussant: Roger Ward, Georgetown College The Democratic Constitution: Experimentalism and Interpretation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017.Brian Butler, University of North Carolina at Ashevill; Charles Sabel, Columbia Law School; Seth Vannatta, Morgan State Univeristy Session Chair: Tess Varner, Concordia CollegeIntegrity In Dark Times: Hannah Arendt and Jane AddamsJudy Whipps, Grand Valley State UniversityDiscussant: Tess Varner, Concordia CollegePragmatist Feminism As Philosophic-Activism: The {r}evolution of Grace Lee BoggsDanielle Lake, Grand Valley State UniversityDiscussant: Tess Varner, Concordia College Session Chair: Nancy McHugh, Wittenberg University

Matthew Brown (University of Texas Dallas)

Sharyn Clough (Oregon State University)

Heather Keith (Green Mountain College)

Plenary II: Coss Dialogue Lecture
(Hayes C)

Introduction by Kathleen Wallace, Hofstra University

Meeting Room 20Meeting Room 21
Concurrent Session IV
Hayes DMeeting Room 20Hayes CMeeting Room 22Meeting Room 21
Session Chair: Kelly Parker, Grand Valley State UniversityOf The Ruling of Men By "Ignorance and Poverty": W.e.b. Du Bois' Epistemically Inclusive DemocracyKelly Swope, Vanderbilt UniversityDiscussant: Kelly Parker, Grand Valley State UniversityA Defense of Inclusive, Deliberative Democracy Based On Peirce’s Sentimental ConservatismRichard Atkins, Boston CollegeDiscussant: Kelly Parker, Grand Valley State University Epistemic Violence & Failures To UnderstandEzgi Sertler, Butler University; Tracy Bowell, University of Waikato; Lacey Davidson, Purdue University Session Chair: Stephanie Rivera Berruz, Marquette University

V. Denise James (University of Dayton)

Nancy McHugh (Wittenberg University)

Shannon Sullivan (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)  

Session Chair: Wesley Dempster, Western Governors UniversityPragmatist Climate Ethics: A Wicked Case For Pragmatic Pluralism In Moral TheorySteven Fesmire, Green Mountain CollegeDiscussant: Wesley Dempster, Western Governors University Session Chair: Sergio Gallegos, John Jay College of Criminal Justice – CUNY

“A New tribalism within Philosophy”

Aurora Montemayor, University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley


Minorities within a Minority. Towards a More Inclusive Relationship with Latinx Minority Communities”
Alessandro Moscaritolo, University of Illinois at Chicago


"Our Moral Obligations to Extremely Needy Immigrants"

Enrique Chavez-Arvizo, John Jay College of Criminal Justice — CUNY

Concurrent Session V
Meeting Room 20Meeting Room 21Hayes DMeeting Room 22
Session Chair: John August, Southern Illinois University CarbondaleThe Metaphor of Natural Kinds: Recognizing Scientific PluralismJared Talley, Michigan State UniversityDiscussant: John August, Southern Illinois University CarbondaleJames'S Philosophy of Science and Science of PhilosophyKyle Bromhall, Independent ScholarDiscussant: John August, Southern Illinois University Carbondale Immigration and Inclusive Communities: A Feminist ExplorationBarbara Lowe, St. John Fisher College; Marilyn Fischer, University of Dayton; Mariana Alessandri, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

"Americanity and Coloniality in Du Bois's Darkwater"

Thomas Meagher, Quinnipiac University


"Myth, Totalization and Science: Toward a Decolonized Notion of Myth"

Darian Spearman, UCONN



"DuBois, Fanon, and Rawls: Constructing Well-Ordered Arrangements"

Dana Francisco Miranda, UCONN



"Colonized Intellectuals and False Revolutionary Leadership: Fanon, Freire, and the Liberation Paradox in Neoliberal Education in the Americas"

Josué López, UCONN


Session Chair: Alfred E. Prettyman, Co-Founder & Host, Society  for the Study of Africana Philosophy (SSAP) and Ramapo College of New Jersey

"Kora in New York City: How African Performers Navigate Notions of Blackness in the U.S."

Althea SullyCole, a multi-instrumentalist and musicologist from New York City, is currently working on her doctorate in ethnomusicology at Columbia University


"Caribbean Emancipatory Thought"

Stephanie Rivera Berruz, Marquette University

Saturday, 16 March 2019
(Meeting Room 21)
Concurrent Session VI
Meeting Room 21Hayes DHayes CMeeting Room 20Meeting Room 22
Session Chair: Myron Jackson, Xavier UniversityAfter Lynching Affects: Flesh, Gender, Violence, and The PoliticalAlfred Frankowski, Southern Illinois University, CarbondaleDiscussant: Myron Jackson, Xavier UniversityThe Social Self and Social Death: Rethinking Crimes Against HumanityArmen Marsoobian, Southern Connecticut State UniversityDiscussant: Myron Jackson, Xavier University Inclusive Intersections: Us Pragmatism and Mexican PhilosophyAlex Stehn, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; Sergio Armando Gallegos Ordorica, John Jay College of Criminal Justice-CUNY; Paniel Osberto Reyes Cardenas, Universidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP) Livestock: Food, Fiber, and FriendsErin McKenna, University of Oregon; Lee McBride, College of Wooster; Paul Thompson, Michigan State University; Tess Varner, Concordia College

“Inclusive Communities, Inclusive Logics: Toward a Resolution of the Problem of Dualism,” Paria Akbar-Akhgari, University of Oregon

“Multiracial Politics and Community Commitments: Thinking Ethical Responsibility with Alain Locke’s Philosophy of Racial Community,” Daniel Westbrook, Emory Univerisity

“Meliorism: An Invocation for Action,” Nicholas Charles, Kent State University

Session Chair: Jim Garrison, Virginia Tech University

“Reflection in Knowing: Dewey’s Epistemology at the End of Logic”

Deron Boyles, Georgia State University


"Epistemologies of Innovation and Inspiration: Dewey Meets Feyerabend"

Deborah Seltzer-Kelly, Wabash College


"Dewey's Naturalized Epistemology and the Possibility of Sustainable Inquiry."

Aaron Stoller, Colorado College

Concurrent Session VII
Meeting Room 20Meeting Room 21Hayes DMeeting Room 22
Session Chair: David W. Woods, NYUMead’s Bio-Ontological World ViewSoren Willert, Aalborg UniversityDiscussant: David W. Woods, NYUInclusive Pauline Communities: The Campbellite Philosophy and Josiah Royce’s Religious BackgroundRandall Auxier, Southern Illinois University CarbondaleDiscussant: David W. Woods, NYU Session Chair: David Henderson, Western Carolina UniversityRethinking Conservation For Inclusivity: An Indigenous Critique of The North American Model of Wildlife ConservationLauren Eichler, University of Oregon; David Baumeister, Seton Hill UniversityDiscussant: David Henderson, Western Carolina UniversityEcological Citizenship and Identity Politics: A Public Philosophical Inquiry Into Navigating The TensionZachary Piso, University of Dayton; Lissy Goralnik, Michigan State UniversityDiscussant: David Henderson, Western Carolina University Session Chair: Stephanie Rivera Berruz, Marquette University

Remembering Our Selves Together: An Examination of Self Hood and Collective Memory Within Latinx Communities,” Denise Meda Calderon (Texas A&M University)

"Huracán María & Coatlicue: Possibilities for a New Boricua Consciousness," Taina Figueroa (Emory University)

“Building Coalition con Nos/Otras: Gloria E. Anzaldúa and Critical Trans Politics,” Andrea J. Pitts (UNC Charlotte)

Panel title: Word Made Flesh, Flesh Made Word: Constituting Community Through Texts

“’A New Glass to See All Our Old Things Through’: Reading Communities in the American Civil War”
Sarah E. Gardner (Mercer University)

“The Daily Offices: The Canon, the Newspaper, and the Liturgy of Debate”
Lora D. Burnett (Tarleton State University)

Concurrent Session VIII
Meeting Room 20Meeting Room 21Meeting Room 22Hayes D
Session Chair: Anthony Neal, Mississippi State UniversityThe Role of Inclusive Communities In Dewey'S Quest For FreedomYarran Hominh, Department of Philosophy, Columbia UniversityDiscussant: Anthony Neal, Mississippi State UniversityIs Prescribing ‘white Shame’ Possible? A Pragmatist-Phenomenological ExaminationMargaret Newton, University of Oregon, Dept of PhilosophyDiscussant: Anthony Neal, Mississippi State University Agent Ontologies and American Philosophy: Possibility For Revitalized Politics and EthicsScott Pratt, University of Oregon; Lisa Mazzei, University of Oregon; Jerry Rosiek, UO Session Chair: Sergio Gallegos, John Jay College of Criminal Justice – CUNYJohn Dewey, Juan Bautista Alberdi and Inter-American Philosophical Responses To CaudillismoTerrance MacMullan, Eastern Washington UniversityDiscussant: Sergio Gallegos, John Jay College of Criminal Justice – CUNY"Loving Without Limits": Conscientization As A Spiritual PraxisChristopher Tirres, DePaul UniversityDiscussant: Sergio Gallegos, John Jay College of Criminal Justice – CUNY


Tommy Curry (Texas A&M University)

Kevin Harrelson (Ball State University)

Dwayne Tunstall (Grand Valley State University)

Plenary III
(Hayes C)

A memorial for John J. McDermott (5 January 1932 - 30 November 2018) will be held during the business meeting under the direction of James Campbell (University of Toledo).

James Campbell, The University of Toledo
McDermott: A Life in Philosophy

David Sprintzen, LIU Post
McDermott: A Personally Transforming Encounter

Paul B. Thompson, Michigan State University
McDermott as Colleague

Erin McKenna, The University of Oregon
McDermott as Philosopher and Friend

Richard E. Hart, Bloomfield College
Summing Up McDermott - A Modest Attempt

Plenary IV: Founders Address
(Hayes C)

Introduction by Jim Garrison (Virginia Tech University)

(Hayes B)


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